Wednesday May 9th 2018
Keele University
CM0.12, Claus Moser Building
Tickets are now available via Eventbrite.
12.30-12.45 Nick Bentley (Keele University) and Antony Rowland (Manchester Metropolitan University), ‘Introduction’
12.45-1.45 David James, ‘Structures of Lyrical Feeling’ (University of Birmingham)
1.45-2.30 Lunch
2.30-3.00 Sara Upstone (Kingston University), ‘Metamodernist Brexit: Ali Smith’s Autumn’
3.00-3.30 Kristian Shaw (University of Lincoln), ‘BrexLit: Hope and Melancholy in the Contemporary British Novel’
3.30-3.45 Coffee break
3.45-4.15 Nicholas Lavery (University of Roehampton), ‘Memory and affect in metamodernist literature’
4.15-4.45 Nick Bentley (Keele University), ‘Trailing Postmodernism: Zadie Smith’s NW and the Metamodern’
4.45-5.00 Closing remarks (Usha Wilbers and Denis Kersten, Radboud University)
Keele University will be hosting the second symposium as part of the AHRC Metamodernism Research Network. Future events will take place in Oslo (September 2018), Birmingham and Nijmegen (2019).
For queries, please contact: Professor Antony Rowland (
A map of the Keele University campus can be found here.