
Programme for the Metamodernism Conference at Radboud University

Conference Programme, July 2019

Downloads: Conference Programme | City Guide

Conference dates: 3 – 5 July 2019  

Wednesday July 3 – location: Theatre room C, Elinor Ostrom building 

7.30 pm – 9.30 pm: Reading by Will Self 


Thursday July  location: EOS 01.150, Elinor Ostrom building 

09.00 09.30: Registration / refreshments 

09.30 – 09.45: Welcome (Antony Rowland, Dennis Kersten and Usha Wilbers) 

09.45 – 10.45: Keynote lecture – Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker 

10.45 – 11.15: Break  

11.15 12.00: Panel  The Metamodernist Novel (I) 

  • Katherine Burn – “Dwelling in Shame: A Heideggerian conceptualisation of place in Fiona Mozley’s Elmet” 
  • Kasimir Sandbacka –“ Metamodern utopianism in Emma Puikkonen’s Eurooppalaiset unet 

 12.00 – 12.45: Panel – Global Ethics 

  • Alison Gibbons – “Metamodernist Futures or ‘a future that had never arrived’: Climate Change and Temporality in 10:04 
  • Andrew Corsa – “Grand Narratives, Metamodernism, and Global Ethics”  

12.45 1.45: Lunch 

1:45 3.15: Panel – Metamodernist poetry 

  • Janien Linde – “Relational performatism as metamodern practice: a case study of the poetry of Marlene van Niekerk” 
  • Diya Nadkarni – “’Poetic autonomy, poetic engagement: metamodernism and the politics of contemporary poetry’” 
  • Anna Helle – “Metamodernism in Contemporary Finnish Literature” 

3.15 3.45: Break 

3.45 – 4.30: Poetry Reading – Antony Rowland and Alistair Noon 

4.30 5.15: Panel – Metamodernist Music 

  • Niels van Poecke – “Pure Taste in Popular Music: On Poly-Purism as Metamodern Consumption” 
  • Greg Dember – “Punk Rock  for Sissies – The Return of Affect in Early 21st Century American Indie Rock” 

7:30: Conference Dinner at De Hemel (


Friday July 5 – location: EOS 01.610, Elinor Ostrom building 

09.00 – 09:30: Refreshments

09:30 – 10:30: Keynote lecture David James – “Uplift: Contemporary Sentimentalism and the Literature of Amelioration”  

10:30 – 11.00: Break  

11.00 – 12:30: Panel – After Modernism / The Avant Garde 

  • Wit Pietrzak – “Has Literature Run Out of Steam? Experimental Prose and Reified Monomania” 
  • Alexandra Dumitrescu – “Is the Metamodern the Last Frontier?” 
  • Liam Harrison – “Make it Late: Metamodernism After Samuel Beckett” 

12.30 – 1.30: Lunch 

1.30 – 3.00Panel – The Metamodernist Novel (II) 

  • Arya Aryan – “’The Novel in the Age of Risk Society: Metamodernism as an Alternative” 
  • Mika Hallila – “The Ethics and Poetics of Oscillation in Asko Sahlberg’s The Brothers 
  • Michaela Beck – “The ‘New Sincere’ Master of the ‘Great Art of Telling the Truth’:  Tracing Authorship from Wallace to Emerson in Ed Park’s Personal Days 

3.00 – 3.30: Break 

3.30 – 5:00: Panel – Metamodernist Visual Culture 

  • Tom Drayton – “Hope/Less: The Politics of Metamodern Theatre” 
  • Jeroen Boom – “Mapping the Metamodern City: Urban Representations in Indie Cinema 
  • Chantal Hassard  “Performative Painting in Metamodernity” 

5:00 – 5:30: Closing remarks and drinks.

The conference fee is 50 EURO for students / PhD candidates and 100 EURO for senior scholars. You can either pay this beforehand (see bank account information below) or during the conference. Please include the words “Registration Metamodernism Conference / Budgetnummer 2380555” as a subject when you pay before attending.

Payment information

Subject / reference: 
“Registration Metamodernism Conference / Budget number 2380555”

Account name:
Stg. KU-Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen FDL

Postbus 9103

Account number:
IBAN: NL 62 INGB 0002 3339 85

Swift code: INGBNL2A

For non-Dutch participants, please include the following information:

Bank name and address:
ING Zakelijk
Velperweg 45