Announcements CfP Event Symposium

Glocal Metamodernisms Conference

This call for papers has now closed, details of the conference can be found on this page.

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for contributions to the closing event of the AHRC Metamodernism Research Network: Glocal Metamodernisms Conference at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Combining in person and online presentations, this event will be held on the 27th and 28th of April 2023.

audio papers

Seattle Recordings

Below are the papers given at the Seattle event in September 2022.

Announcements CfP Event

Metamodernism Conference

Schedule | Campus Map | Zoom Links

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for contributions to the Melbourne Metamodernism Conference. Combining in person and online presentations, this event will be held at La Trobe University (Bundoora), VIC, Australia, on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2023.


Seattle Event

The Metamodernism Event in Seattle is now only a week away. For more details about the event, including the papers being presented and how to register please take a look at the event’s own webpage:

Reading Video

Book Launch – Live

The launch of Antony Rowland’s book on Metamodernism and Contemporary British Poetry is now live on YouTube.


ECR Bursaries Update

We are pleased to announce that the ECR bursaries now include PhD students wishing to attend the event in Seattle this September.

Announcements CfP

ECR Bursaries – Seattle Event

We are pleased to announce some ECR bursaries for the Seattle event in September 2022. The AHRC definition of an ECR is someone ‘within eight years of their PhD award (this is from the time of the PhD ‘viva’ – oral test), or equivalent professional training’.

Announcements Event

New Date – Book Launch

The new date for the book launch at Manchester Poetry Library – with performances by Scott Thurston, Sandeep Parmar and James Byrne – is Tuesday May 31st:

CfP Event Symposium

Seattle Event – Call for Papers

Seattle Metamodernism Summit 2022

Conversations on the Arts in an Age of Ironesty!

Update: The organisers of this event have created a website which can be found here:

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for submissions to the Seattle Metamodernism Summit, to be held in Seattle, Washington, USA, on Saturday, September 10, 2022.

Event Video

Dutch Literature After Postmodernism

How does contemporary Dutch literature respond to the supposed demise of Postmodernism? Can we detect parallels between the trends and themes in English-language Metamodernist literature and Dutch fiction and poetry?