audio papers Symposium

Papers from the 3rd Symposium

Recordings of the third AHRC Metamodernism Symposium, September 2018.

Below are the audio recordings of the third AHRC Metamodernism Symposium held at the University of Oslo in September 2018.

Alison Gibbons, Robin van den Akker and Tim Vermeulen

‘Reality Beckons: Metamodernism and the Crendenda of Depthiness.’

Katherine Burn

‘On the Banality of Shame: Between Heideggerian shame and shamelessness in Tom McCarthy’s Remainder and Eley Williams’ Attrib.’

Usha Wilbers and Dennis Kersten

‘A Tale of Two Labels: The Use of ‘Modernism and ‘Avantgarde’ in the Reception of Tom McCarthy’s C.’

Anselm Wagner

‘Some Notes on Metamodern Architecture.’

Kai Hanno Schwind

‘The joke that wasn’t funny anymore – towards a metamodern sense of humour?’

Sarah Maclachlan

‘Temporality and ‘the Lifeness of Life’ in Miranda July’s The Future.’