The Metamodernism Event in Seattle is now only a week away. For more details about the event, including the papers being presented and how to register please take a look at the event’s own webpage:
The Metamodernism Event in Seattle is now only a week away. For more details about the event, including the papers being presented and how to register please take a look at the event’s own webpage:
The metamodernism network is a global collection of scholars and artists interested in the legacies of modernism and critical engagements with post-postmodernism. It is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK.
Programme for the Metamodernism Conference
3-5 July 2019
Wednesday July 3 – location: Theatre room C, Elinor Ostrom building, Radboud University
7.30 pm – 9.30 pm: Reading Will Self
Moderator: Professor Antony Rowland (Manchester Metropolitian University)
To find out more about the AHRC Metamodernism Research Network please visit the ‘About Us’ page.
For details on the first symposium to held at the Business School at Manchester Metropolitan University click here.